Federal funding pause could affect local seniors' food source

Last week, the administration sent a memo seeking to pause potentially trillions of dollars in government loans, grants, and financial assistance. That memo was later rescinded, but it did create confusion and uncertainty, particularly in the nonprofit world.

While we are not sure what the future holds, a substantial amount of local Meals on Wheels funding is through the federal government, handed down to states and counties through Older Americans Act grant funding.

Each year, through Senior Concerns’ Meals On Wheels/Home Delivered Meals programs, we deliver over 65,000 meals to 450 homebound seniors. These seniors reside in Thousand Oaks, Newbury Park, Oak Park, Westlake Village and Agoura Hills.

Over 120 volunteer drivers deliver meals and provide a daily check-in with homebound seniors, breaking social isolation and fostering a vital community connection.

Unique to our organization, Senior Concerns also employs a full-time case manager to ensure our Meals On Wheels’ recipients receive not only nutritious meals but also the personalized support they need to thrive.

In addition to meal-related concerns, we support clients in navigating financial difficulties by helping them access available resources, such as benefits, subsidies, and emergency assistance programs. We also assisted with legal issues, providing referrals to legal aid services when necessary and ensuring that clients have access to the guidance and representation they need to address any legal matters.

Housing instability is another area where we have been able to offer valuable support. Whether it is helping clients find affordable housing options, connecting them with community resources, or addressing urgent housing-related concerns, we work to ensure that seniors maintain stable living conditions.

Transportation has also been a significant focus. Many individuals we’ve worked with face mobility challenges, making it difficult to access essential services or even attend medical appointments. We have connected clients with local transportation programs, volunteer driver services, and other mobility resources to ensure they can continue to live independently and access the care they need.

Through these efforts, we have been able to offer holistic support that goes beyond meal delivery, fostering a greater sense of security and well-being for the individuals we serve.

The cost to run the Senior Concerns Meals On Wheels/Home Delivered Meals program is $865,000 per year. Federal funds provided in the form of a grant cover 40% of our costs. The remaining 60% is supported by fees from individuals who can afford the meals, fundraisers (like Love Run) and private donor support.

Since COVID, all Meals on Wheels program nationally have seen government funding decrease, even as the need increases.

Ninety-five percent of all older adults live in community (not in a facility), so programs like Meals On Wheels are important to help bridge the gap for those with financial insufficiency or physical challenges preventing them from shopping and preparing their own meals.

Most recently, Mike Harris of the Pacific Coast Business Times penned an article about Senior Concerns Meals On Wheels program titled Hunger Games on for Conejo Valley Seniors, citing “the Conejo Valley’s affluence doesn’t preclude its share of seniors from grappling with food insecurity.”

As I was talking to my mom last week about the proposed funding freeze and the potential for a stoppage or reduction in Meals On Wheels for Senior Concerns, my mom said, “Well, I guess they (the seniors on the program) will have to dip into their freezer to make some meals.”  I replied, “What if the freezer is bare, and they do not have the ability to drive to the store like you do, mom, or they are in a wheelchair and cannot prepare a meal for themselves?”

As sympathetic as my mom is, it just did not occur to her because she has food in her freezer, can still drive, and is able to make a meal, others may not be so fortunate.

I have been in my role as President of Senior Concerns for over 12 years, and every year, it is a challenge to find the funding to maintain the program without a waiting list, but we do.

It is our goal to empower our clients to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives while navigating the challenges that often come with aging. Meals On Wheels is a vital part of that effort.

If you would like to donate to Senior Concerns Meals On Wheels program, go to www.supportmealsonwheelsnow.org


Categories: Elder HealthNumber of views: 95

Tags: meals on wheels

Andrea GallagherAndrea Gallagher

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